Kids Eat in Color: Small Bites
A weekly “bite” from Kids Eat in Color of feeding strategies and encouragement. This edition focused on diet changes in the new year.
At Barton County Health Department, we believe the citizens of the County should have the opportunity to become happy, healthy, and well informed. We believe in an equal opprotunity work environment and programs characterized by honest, caring, respectful, dependable, and responsive service. Our mission is to promote better health through education and provide health care services for the prevention of disease and restoration of health to Barton County residents and the surrounding area.
The Barton County Health Department started operation on August 15, 1966, financed and established as an Office of Economic Opportunity program, with the cooperation of the Missouri Division of Health, Barton County Court, and citizens of the county.
Concerned citizens seeing the need for a County Health Department persisted in obtaining federal funds with which to set up a health department.
Support through three elections came from the newspapers, physicians, schools, churches, civic organizations, and responsible citizens.
The Barton County Health Department began in the basement of the courthouse.
On June 3, 1969, the voters of Barton County approved a tax of 10 cents on the one hundred dollar valuation for the support of the Health Department.
In 1980 citizens were coming into the office for services or requesting home care visits. Home nursing care would permit families to care for patients in the home, thus reducing health care costs. Upon approval of the Board of Trustees, the application was made, and on June 17, 1982, the Barton County Health Department/Home Health Agency was certified.
A weekly “bite” from Kids Eat in Color of feeding strategies and encouragement. This edition focused on diet changes in the new year.
Our very own Candice Cox writes her January blog post about her health and wellness journey as a pregnant 40-year-old woman who is transforming her relationship with food and exercise.