1301 East 12th Street, Lamar, MO 64759

My Life, My Quit: A Free Teen Tobacco Cessation Program

The My Life, My Quit program is a free and confidential service developed by National Jewish Health, the nation’s number one respiratory hospital, for young people who want help quitting all forms of tobacco including vaping. Their Tobacco Cessation Coaches have completed extensive training on adolescent cognitive and psychosocial development from a psychologist and professor at Stanford University who specializes in adolescent tobacco prevention.

By enrolling, teen participants receive:

• Five, one-on-one coaching sessions usually scheduled every 7-10 days. Coaching helps teens develop a quit plan, identify triggers, practice refusal skills and receive ongoing support for changing behaviors.

• Coaches are available by phone, by text message or by online chat.

• Self-help and educational materials designed for teens, with input from teens.

If interested in learning more or signing up for help today, please see https://mo.mylifemyquit.org/en-US.

Article information provided by the My Life, My Quit website.

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